© Lee Christopher 2003-2025
A Pair of
McCloud SD38s
Resurrected from
the Future
Projects Bin
Upgrading an Older Locomotive
Model to Represent a Different
Model and Time Frame
By Lee Christopher - all photos are by the author
Published in part in the November 2009 issue of
Model Railroader magazine
In early May of 1969, GM-EMD delivered three brand
new SD38s, numbered 36–38, to Northern
California’s McCloud River Railroad (predecessor to
the present day McCloud Railway, a class III short
line). The locomotives have since remained as part
of the McCloud (except for an occasional lease-out
to the SP) hauling forest, paper and mining products
as well as occasional agricultural and other goods.
They have had a few paint schemes over the years
along with some configuration changes that include
various snow plows, larger fuel tanks, added sump
drainage tanks and the addition of modern ditch
lights. As of this writing, these prototypes are still
in service pulling the McCloud Railway’s elegant
Shasta Sunset Dinner Train over portions of the last
remaining 16 miles of McCloud mainline trackage
that connects via a switchback the town of McCloud
with the Union Pacific in Mount Shasta City.
Before Athearn came out with their HO models of
this type there was a need for two more SD38s for
the author’s ongoing McCloud Railway layout project
that’s currently a little better than 50% complete.
Although it’s been around awhile, the Kato SD40
(reviewed in MR September, 1991) seemed like an
excellent starting point to kit-bash these models
with its similarity in appearance and quiet, silky-
smooth running mechanism. A pair of these
undecorated engines were purchased but due to
competing priorities, they remained untouched in
the “future projects” bin for some time. The kick in
the proverbial shorts was participation as part of
the layout tours associated with the 2008 NMRA
National Convention in Anaheim, CA that had made
it clear that this model railroad was in serious need
of more motive power!
The modest SD40 vs. SD38 differences, the unique
McCloud particular details and internal space
requirements for the lighting and electronic
components meant a number of changes to the Kato
SD40 models were required before the appropriate
paint schemes could be applied. Hence, the
inspiration for this article came from building the
engine pair seen in Figure 1 hard at work on the
author’s HO layout.
Project Requirements
Both locomotive models needed to reasonably
represent the appearance, configuration, paint
schemes and approximate weathering of their
respective prototypes as they appeared during the
summer of 1997. This includes the new (retro) red
on silver paint scheme that had recently been
applied to both #37 and #36 that has never been
available on any commercial model. Number 38 was
(and still is) wearing its subdued black, orange and
white on brown scheme dating from around 1982,
similar to one of Athearn’s SD38 paint schemes. The
models also needed DCC, slow, smooth switching
capability, LED lighting, sound, capability to pull at
least nine or more weighted modern freight cars up
a curving 3% grade and tolerance to the rapid track
corrosion that goes along with a Southern California
garage layout in a coastal salt-air environment. In
short, these were not to be museum pieces, just
dependable, nice to run, nice to look at, believable
models of the chosen prototype and era.
Getting Started
Prototype reference photos are provided in Figures 2
and 3. Some of these are from considerably later
than the 1997 target date, but the only notable
differences other than the level of grime and
weathering are some front hood nose damage
evident on #36 that occurred around 1999-2000 and
the spark arrestors installed over the exhausts
around the same time after one of the McCloud SDs
allegedly ignited an accidental but expensive forest
See Figures 4 through 6 for an overview of where all
the details will are installed. The models were
completely disassembled down to the bare frame
before beginning this kit bash. Even the truck side
frames were removed so the correct color side
frames could be installed. The first thing noticeable
when the body shells are removed is that even
without the Kato light board, the clear Lucite light
bar and the removable upper body metal weight,
there was not enough room for the selected dual
sound/loco decoders, the speaker enclosure and the
various discrete resistors, capacitors, connectors,
LEDs and wiring that needed to be installed (a
common problem in many modern models –
especially for sound installations).
Frame Modifications
The first frame rework is to remove material from
the rear frame tower for the sound electronics. If
one of the alternative Tsunami decoders mentioned
in the materials list were chosen over the dual
decoder Lenz and DSX used by the author,
considerably less frame material removal from the
rear tower would be needed. The modeler will
need to tailor this internal trimming for the specific
decoder installation selected. See Figure 7
Other frame mods are also required. The prototype
McCloud SD38s are currently equipped with 3200
gallon fuel tanks which are shorter than the 4000
gallon tanks represented on the Kato model. In
addition, the prototype’s tanks are mounted
towards the rear truck in contrast to the forward
mount of most 3200 gallon tanks on EMD
installations (including Athearn’s model). This
difference is probably due to EMD’s fuel plumbing
locations associated with the original rear mounted
1200 gallon tanks that were delivered with these
locomotives. The Kato metal frame/body-weight
must be shortened on the front end to a 2.15 inch
length as shown in Figure 8 as well as shortening the
surrounding Kato styrene tank to a 2.30 inch outside
length (the styrene tank details are discussed later).
This is still slightly longer than the prototype but
maintains plenty of strength margin in the frame
and does not compromise the motor well.
Both the Kato SD40 and Athearn SD38 models
represent as-delivered locomotives with no ditch
lights, but since ditch lights were added to the
McCloud prototypes in the 1980s they are needed on
these models. To begin, portions of the frame front
end are hollowed and trimmed to make room for the
ditch light LEDs, their brass mounting tubes and
paths for the connecting wires as shown in Figure 9.
Access to a Sherline miniature mill made relatively
quick work of all the metal material removal from
the frame but careful efforts with a jeweler’s or
small hack saw, a drill, a Moto-Tool, a medium sized
mill file and some small modeler’s files could
certainly produce equivalent results.
Electronics and Lighting
This author chose to use a dual decoder installation
which includes a Lenz Gold JST loco decoder with a
Power-1 module which has been shown to have
remarkable stay-alive capability on dirty or
corroded track along with a Soundtraxx DSX (sound-
only) decoder that was boosted with extra
capacitors for good stay-alive ability. There are now
more choices for single decoder installation options
so more compact solutions are feasible than the one
described and shown in this article, especially for
operations in less corrosive environments.
Planning, measuring the available spaces and
frequent test fitting as you go are important as the
spaces above the mechanism inside a modern HO
loco model are usually already occupied with a
circuit board with a DCC connector and LEDs, light
bars, frame weight and other components.
Standard T1 (3mm dia) warm white LEDs can work
just fine for the 1.8mm diameter lighting needed for
most second generation and later diesel equipment.
Previous MR contributors have shown that as long as
the modeler is careful to avoid cutting into the
metal LED components, the outside diameter of the
upper (lens) portions of the clear plastic can be
ground away by spinning the LED in a drill chuck or
a small lathe and touching the side of the LED
carefully with a fine modeler’s file as shown in
Figure 10. Some checks using a sample LED, a
voltmeter across the LED leads, a first guess for the
series resistor (usually around 1000 Ω) and the
designated light function output from the decoder
selected by the modeler is highly recommended.
This provides an opportunity to fine tune the
resistor value for appropriate LED brightness and to
verify that the voltage across the LED doen’t exceed
limits. For this author’s application, one ½ watt 910
Ω resistor in series with each of the six LEDs
provided an appropriately limited input voltage and
a realistic level of brightness for the sealed beam
lighting used in diesels of this era.
To minimize light leakage through the styrene body
from the bright LEDs, 3/32 brass tubing was
mounted on the front of the frame for the ditch
lights and was fitted through the pilot to provide a
light guide/shield. The tubing will need to be
drilled out with a #49 bit with the turned-down LEDs
inserted into the rear of each tube with the outside
of the tubes filed to represent each light housing
(including the dual cab headlight shades on the
prototypes). The front of the Kato pilot/walkway
will need to be drilled out so that the pilot will
tightly slide over the ditch light tubes on the frame.
For the cab and rear hood lights the model’s styrene
headlight mounts/openings were drilled out with a
#41 bit and replaced with the aforementioned
tubes. For all six lights, a section of 1/16 diameter
clear Lucite rod is used as a light pipe between the
front of the LED and the headlight face.
A small rectangle of punchboard normally used for
circuit design and testing was cut to the
approximate dimension of the original Kato light
board and was screwed onto the light board
mounting posts (an extension of the motor mounts)
after those posts had been trimmed down to provide
adequate vertical clearance between the decoder
and power module and the underside of the body
shell. This provided a mounting surface for the Lenz
decoder electronics and would likely be suitable for
other decoder selections as well.
Miniatronics Micro-Mini connectors were used
between the track power from the trucks and each
of the frame mounted decoders as well as from the
decoders to the lighting in the loco shell. This
provided a way to electrically isolate each decoder
for totally separate CV programming if needed and
provided for complete separation of the shell when
needed. Note that these connectors are only rated
at one amp so while they are adequate (barely) for
the low motor current of this Kato model, other
options would be advised for use with higher current
applications. The electronics installation is shown
in Figure 11.
External differences include rooftop radiator fans
(three on the SD40 vs. two on the SD38), rooftop
dynamic brake fans (smaller on the SD38), prime
mover exhausts (one large for the turbocharged EMD
16-645E3 prime mover in the SD40 vs. two small
exhausts on the non-turbo 16-645E in the SD38),
radiator side grills (slightly smaller on the SD38) and
the manual brake. All of these must be removed (or
filled) and replaced on the Kato body shell.
The SD40 roof top exhaust, the side radiator grills at
the rear of the long hood and the recessed hand
brake on the left side of the short hood are all
trimmed flush with the body with a sharp flat blade
tool, filled and sanded smooth as shown in Figure
12. Cut-outs for the radiator side grills were then
cut per Cannon and Company instructions. Next, a
0.73 x 1.70 in. section around the three roof-top
radiator fans and a 0.61 x 1.26 section around the
two dynamic brake fans were removed to facilitate
the replacements. Where feasible the removal /
replacement roof sections should follow the lines of
existing body roof details to help minimize the
seams. Most of the Kato body roof is about 0.060
inches thick so using some Evergreen 0.030 sheet
from the scrap box a double layer was made for the
replacement roof sections as shown in Figure 13.
The holes were cut at the proper size and spacing as
shown first, then the roof sections were cut out and
filed smooth. These replacement roof sections will
need to be glued in place as shown in Figure 14
before adding the fans so the seams can be filled
and smoothed to avoid damaging these delicate
Canon detail assemblies.
Building the Fuel Tank
The fuel and air reservoir tanks were modified to
reflect the McCloud configuration and to fit the
trimmed frame. The left and right side Kato tank
halves that fit around the tank portion of the frame
were first cut long ways to remove the molded-on
air tanks and then cut in half (short ways), trimmed
to fit together at a total tank length of 2.30 inches
(not including added details) and re-attached
together using a bit of scrap styrene on the inside to
provide additional strength. The left and right
halves were similarly joined after the protruding
latching tabs were removed. Model builders putty
was used to smooth over the seams prior to final
sanding. The Canon air reservoir tanks, fuel tank
fillers and various plugs and vents were then
assembled and added.
Holes in each reservoir tank end will be needed so
that brass wire can be inserted through the tank to
simulate the air lines. Retrofitting of an external
tank presumably for collection of fluid leakage from
around the prime mover began to appear on the
McCloud SDs around 1996. This was fabricated from
0.125 styrene rod and strips, a couple of spare
fittings from the Cannon tank detail kit and installed
horizontally across the upper rear of the fuel tank
similar to the prototype. Some care with the length
of this tank is needed as there can potentially be
interference with motion of the rear truck,
especially if operation on relatively sharp curves is
anticipated. The assembled fuel tanks were
airbrushed black to match the frame and weathered
prior to gluing them onto the frame. Be sure that
the walkways will fit flat over the Canon air
reservoirs – those reservoirs may need to be
flattened slightly with a file across the top if there
is interference.
The Kato model includes separate engineering
plastic grab irons to be added by the modeler but
these are a bit oversized so they were replaced with
thin (0.008” dia) wire metal grabs. The existing
holes in the shell can still be used but additional #80
holes will be needed for mounting the long hood
curved roof grab onto the replacement roof section
and for the two grabs on the top and bottom of the
number board of #36. A narrow strip of scrap 0.030
inch sheet styrene makes a handy temporary spacer
for keeping grab irons aligned at the proper distance
from the shell until the CA sets up. Be sure to bend
over and trim the protruding wires inside the body
shell so they don’t interfere with fitting the shell
over the drive mechanism and electronics!
Most of the remaining detailing with the commercial
components is pretty straightforward at this point.
If you want to hang (or lay) some MU cables on your
engines, they can be made from 0.012 brass wire
and some 0.030 styrene rod. With some careful
work on the rod end using a #80 bit, drill a hole for
the wire, cone the edge of the rod, CA the wire in
place and trim off the unwanted styrene.
Once the electronics and lighting are selected,
installed and tested and most of the body mods and
detailing completed, some of the weight previously
removed to make room for everything can now be
replaced with carefully located lead sheet
judiciously placed in remaining spaces.
Paint, Decorating and Weathering
There are a number of web sources for reference
photographs of McCloud motive power but the
premier site for current as well as historical
information on all aspects of the railroad is Jeff
Moore’s McCloud Rails at
There are numerous photos covering the appearance
and operation of these locomotives from factory
fresh to near present day. The red on silver paint
for engine #36 was just a few months old in the
summer of 1997 so only very light weathering was
needed after paint and decals. The damage to the
nose of #36’s short hood evident in the photos
happened around 1999-2000 so no attempt was
made to include it.
By 1997, number 38’s paint had seen 15 years of
pushing plows though heavy winter mountain snows
and straining with heavy loads over the 4%+ grades
and 15º curves with lots of exposure to gritty
volcanic ballast, dust and exhaust. The “McCloud
River Railroad” name had been cut from the top of
the McCloud herald on the cab side and new
lettering had been applied below it denoting the
new “McCloud Railway” road name in white
Both models remained completely disassembled for
painting, decorating and weathering. The color
mixes are as given below. These were thinned and
applied with an airbrush with appropriate areas
masked as needed to build the striping and color
sections. A light spray of Testors Glosscoat was
applied after the color coats to provide a smooth
shiny finish for decal application. Dullcoat was
applied as a decal sealant and as a first step in
weathering after the decals had been applied. This
author found out the hard way that neither lacquer
nor acrylic based paints will stick to the engineering
plastic handrails on the Kato models despite careful
cleaning. Even a bit of gentle sanding with 600 grit
didn’t help! Thanks to experienced friends in the
Los Angeles Model Railroad Society, the author was
steered toward paints developed for the slot car
hobby and the Lexan model car surfaces. There are
a few choices here but the Faskolor line from Parma
worked well and was reasonably priced. These
excellent water based paints would have worked
well for the entire model although the color
selection appears to be limited.
Weathering on both models included (in differing
degrees) blackening the grills and fan screens, a few
brown streaks showing the ever present battery
leakage near the front just below the battery boxes,
using some highly diluted weathered black around
the various access covers/doors and hinges and
some additional rust and dirt coloration on the
trucks. Evidence of wheel bearing changes were
included by painting selected journals with
contrasting colors as on the prototype. Varying
amounts of diluted weathered black and brown
oversprays were used to further dull and blend the
#38 roof and under frame: Floquil Engine Black
#38 body:
4 parts Floquil So. Freight Car Brown
2 parts Floquil Roof Brown
1 part Floquil Reefer White
#38 upper body dividing stripe:
Floquil Reefer White
#38 front/rear safety stripes:
3 parts Floquil CN
1 part Reefer White
#38 cab interior: Floquil Depot Beige
#38 railings:
Parma Fasorange
#36 underframe: Floquil Engine Black
#36 body: Floquil Bright Silver
#36 body band: Floquil ATSF Red
#36 front/rear safety stripes: Floquil Reefer White
#36 cab interior: Floquil Depot Beige
#36 railings: Parma Fasblack and Fasred
This author owes a debt of thanks to Mr. Jeff Forbis
and the McCloud Railway crews and staff who have
all been most kind, generous and accommodating in
providing access to and information regarding
McCloud equipment, facilities and operations over
numerous visits throughout the past 14 years.
This author extends a very special thanks to Mr. Jeff
Moore, a true expert on the history of the McCloud
railroads who has provided countless invaluable
prototype specific facts, details, data, ideas and
other information.
Many thanks are also given to model railroading
friends for their encouragement, ideas and support
including friend and fellow McCloud modeler Mr.
Drew Toner and the membership of the Los Angeles
Model Railroad Society.
Prototype References for the McCloud Railway
and McCloud River Railroad
Hanft, Robert M., Pine Across the Mountain –
California’s McCloud River Railroad, 1971 and
updated in 1990.
Moore, Jeff, Images of Rail - Rails Around McCloud,
McCloud Rails - Jeff Moore’s outstanding site
includes many more links and references as well as
abundant photographs and information.
Figure 1. Prototype McCloud Railway SD38
#36 in McCloud, CA captured in 2003
through 2008
Additional text needed?